On the Face of it, At the Heart of it. Matt Carter + Alpha (A---Z), Vivienne Griffin and Barney Kass. 26.01.20-09.02.20  

26.01.20 - 09.02.20 
Location: South Kiosk London

Project produced in partnership with UAL Student Union and KitMapper. We will be running a multi-channel sound masterclass for UAL students on Wednesday the 22nd of January.

On the Face of it, At the Heart of it was a series of sound events that took place across three consecutive Sundays. Artists were invited to respond to a sixteen-channel sound system that was installed in the gallery space.

26.01.2020, 12-6pm - Barney Kass:  Ecosystem I

02.02.2020, 12-6pm - Vivienne Griffin:  THE CRISIS OF NOW

09.02.2020, 12-6pm - Matt Carter + Alpha (A - - - Z): SUNDOWN

All events are free and open to all. The events will run from 12-6pm but visitors are welcome to drop in at any time.

Artist Bios:
Barney Kass is a multimedia sound artist and designer based in London. He explores concepts ranging from neuroscience and well-being to gravitational waves, predominantly using sound. His work often consists of interactive multi-speaker installations, immersive soundscapes and music. Barney uses sound as a way to illuminate understanding of the world around us and to show how it affects and connects us individually. Barney has shown work in both the Design Museum and a Royal Academy Late, and writes music under the alias Kid Called Moon. He is also a Visiting Lecturer of Information Experience Design at the Royal College of Art. barneykass.com

Vivienne Griffin is an artist from Dublin living and working in London. Vivienne studied fine art at City University New York supported by a Fullbright Scholarship. They have worked with sound for two decades; in live performances, in objects and for online formats. Most recently at the AGM in Somerset House, for Montez Press Radio in NYC, and in the TATE exchange as part of the Hyphen-Labs installation. viviennegriffin.com

Matt Carter is an artist living and working in London. His practice comprises of and often combines different forms of cultural production including video, sound, text, performance, design and curation. mrmrcarter.com

Alpha (Anne Duffau) is a cultural producer and researcher. Alpha runs a nomadic platform A—Z reflecting on current socio-political issues: in the gaze on the ‘other’ and its representation, its definition for new possibilities: future bodies, gender identities, empowerment in deconstructing (hi)stories). abc-z.org